Bureau of the Census

Bureau of the Census
This is one of the major functions of DOC and is the principal gatherer of statistics, including all import and export statistics. The latter are obtained from the Shipper's Export Declaration. Most of their statistics that apply to exporting are utilized for trade analysis by the US&FCS, or other divisions of the ITA.
The office of key importance to the exporter within the Census Bureau is the Center for International Research (CIR), which can be reached at (301) 763-2870. This organization gathers useful data for international marketing purposes on overseas demographic trends. This is contained in the International Data Base (IDB) and is divided into broad geographic areas: China, USSR, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Latin America, and Africa. The categories for data are numerous and include such statistics as infant mortality, migrations, marital status and family planning, literacy, and housing indicators. More information on this service may be obtained from the Assistant Director for International Programs, Bureau of Census, Washington, DC 20233.

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