Foreign versions of Eximbank

Foreign versions of Eximbank
Keep in mind when considering possible uses of Eximbank facilities and the limitations imposed on you by the foreign content rules, that many other nations have similar programs. Just as Eximbank makes direct loans to foreign buyers, you might utilize another country's facility in the course of your own overall international trade activities. Such foreign organizations can support you if you have an overseas subsidiary, a joint venture, or are using a substantial amount of that country's manufacture in a product you are producing for a third country.
In fact, some countries running a serious trade deficit with the United States are using their export-import bank facilities to help to correct this serious geopolitical problem. The major examples are Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Only certain products are eligible, but they represent broad and important export areas, except in the case of Korea, where only raw materials are currently emphasized.
Very favorable interest rates and repayment terms are offered by these countries. In the case of Japan, the Export-Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) structures its terms as a buyer credit using a combination of a direct loan and a loan through a Japanese bank to the buyer. Taiwan's "C-Eximbank" has an excellent program providing fixed-rate supplier credit on a bank-to-bank basis, permitting the American exporter to offer very favorable terms on a transaction-by-transaction basis to the Taiwanese buyer. Korea's more limited program called "KEXIM" is structured in the form of advantageous terms for buyer credit when purchasing from American firms. It is predicted that it will be expanded to include some capital goods.
Therefore, before deciding on financing through commercial banks or through Eximbank, check with the export-import bank version of the particular country inappropriate situations, especially in the case of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. The New York addresses of the referenced agencies are listed in Appendix J.

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